Thursday, October 29, 2009

A fucking hoss broke into my car.

I live up the street from a rehab centre.

I've never thought poorly of this, in fact, I'm open to people looking to getting rid of their addictions while strolling Dundas and making a hot dime.

But now it's personal.

Dear Theif-

You do not break into my cute Prius and steal my iPod that I've had for probably 5 years and my container of Candy Corn. WHERE IS YOUR HALLOWEEN SPIRIT?! Not to mention my beloved iPod had cracks all up the screen so you could hardly read what effing song was on it. How much you gonna get on the street for that, 20 bucks? And how much heroin does that even get you? Can't be a lot. Maybe all that sugar from the Candy Corn will get you high enough. I hope the candy rots your teeth and the iPod explodes in your worthless hand.

I wouldn't even be pissed if what you stole was worth more than it's gonna cost me to get my window fixed. Have fun with your new belongings, hope you have a GREAT day.

Love, Me.

Goal of the day- Get a job to replace iPod and perhaps less imporantly, Prius window.

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