Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Buss Passin'

Today and tomorrow students at UWO have the chance to vote on a referendum that will either cost students some cash but allow them to keep the bus pass or eliminate the bus pass all together.

I just voted YES because I like the bus pass thank you very much. It is worth 10 dollars more added to my tuition.

If you feel like you care about this at all or actually go to Western and want to vote click here.

If you dont give 2 fucks you may be entertained by how horribly ugly the voting website is:
I propose a new referendum that would call for an increase in tuition fees to hire someone who knows how to design a website.

1 comment:


I agree 100%.. that website is horrific... the squirrels on our front porch could design something prettier.

(p.s. the word verification to post this is "borpoos". WTF?)