Tuesday, January 6, 2009

oh eight.

Best Thing: Whistler.
Best Song: Closer- Kings of Leon.
Best Words: Figure it out.
Best Night: Midsummers.
Best Day: Detroit road trip
Best Location: Costa Rica
Best Food: Red peppers red peppers. and aloe water
Best Gadget: Crackberry
Best Celeb: Heath Ledger
Best Trend: BLOGGING.

Worst Thing: American Apparel takes over the world.. and speeding tickets.
Worst Song: Crank that soulja boy.
Worst Words: Figure it out.
Worst Night: Ones that involved tears.
Worst Day: Leaving.
Worst Food: Bacon. ewwwww
Worst Gadget: Crackberry.
Worst Celeb: Miley Cyrus
Worst Trend: American apparel 2 tone motherfucking dresses. GO DIE!

Some other things that were nice in 2008- HouseParty, tremblant, florida, .. flo rida, ellen degeneres being awesome, garfinkels night club, patron & grey goose, new friends, becoming a mouse, a.k., being nice, sneaking into pemberton festival, bobby digital, the jons, la maison, obamanama, nyc, tripods, blogs.

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